Our Bottlecraft North Park manager, Gene, selects his favorite beer of the week. You can stay up to date on our beer shop favorites through our news feed and also through our Instagram.
- Kern River – Wet Exit Wet-Hopped West Coast IPA, 6.8%
Wet hop season is upon us! Only possible immediately upon the hop-harvest, this entails taking cones fresh off the bine and dropping them into the brew-kettle within 24 hours of picking, thus preserving their essential oils. A whole crop of beers springs up to take advantage of this singular autumnal tradition, a snapshot of a year that is drawing to a close. Wet Exit is the very first wet-hopped beer we have ever received from West Coast IPA traditionalists Kern River. With Mosaic, Amarillo and fresh green Strata at the forefront, this is one not to be missed by hopheads!
- Eppig – Festbier, Festbier, 6.0%
Festbier was the very first Eppig beer that I ever tasted, at their original brewhouse in North Park, and thus holds particular meaning to me. Inspired by the Oktoberfest beers of the Wies’n style (lighter in color than Märzens, emphasizing pilsner rather than Munich malts), this is a clean bready dry lager. Incorporating a checkered Bavarian flag motif for their can-art is a nice touch, effortlessly communicating both the style and the occasion. Prost!
- Beachwood – Mocha Machine, Imperial Coffee Porter, 9.2%
Who among us doesn’t love Beachwood? Flawless West Coast IPAs are their calling-card, with lambic-inspired oak-fermented funky & sour ales from their Blendery arm inspiring fierce devotion as well. Yet their malt-centered beers should not be overlooked, least of all this beautiful coffee porter that only makes an appearance sporadically in distribution. Brewed with Ecuadoran cacao nibs and fresh coffee from Orange County’s Portola Coffee Roasters, Mocha Machine is a robust and invigorating brew whose ABV is barely perceptible.